Saturday, May 30, 2009
Mmmm, since I dah takde mood today, we all breakfast kat luar sahaja. As usual breakfast kat kedai mamak dekat dengan rumah we all. Dalam takde2 mood ni, house chores kena buat jugak. Kalau I tak buat sape lagi nak buat. After breakfast, do laundry, cleaning the house, vakum and apa2 ja yang berkaitan dengan rumah. Pastu lak, I prepare the lunch dengan my Youngest E. Terpaksa la dukung the Youngest E sambil memasak since my Hubby hantar my Eldest E to the school for her sports day rehearsal. My Middle E pun ikut my Hubby. My Eldest E dilantik untuk membaca our Rukun Negara on her sports day tommorrow. Other than that, My Eldest E ada buat pertunjukan esok iaitu menari..emmmm, I tak sure macam mana my Eldest E boleh terpilih untuk acara menari sebab as I know, she can't dance. Keras macam kayu. Tapi tak tahu la kalau my Eldest E ada bakat terpendam. Apa2 pun for my Eldest E, mummy tetap support anak mummy.
Meh layan menu lunch we all on the saturday..:-
Daging Goreng..
Udang masak sambal..
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Ni pun baru masuk opis...after 3 days training kat Grand Season wajib hadir pulak tu...layan la....dapat kengkawan baru...makan best kat hotel...
ni u all layan la menu yang I bikin for my family on the weekend kay.....nak sambung buat kije dulu...later2 I update lagi.....
Nasi Goreng Ayam ntah apa2 ntah rasanya...sbb tak cukup bahan2...main masak ja....
Ketam masak sweet sour makan dengan nasi putih panas....layannn
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My First Bike...
Friday, May 22, 2009
I'm back..
Later I update u all yea....
5 yrs old (19 May 2009) - Happy Birthday To My Eldest E
when we first met,
You needed three names: a first, middle, and last.
We'd tried out many, but only one combo passed.
It was balanced and friendly and dignified,
So we made it your own to use worldwide.
Your name is your own
and it feels just right.
It's easy to say and
not too hard to write.
When you were a baby and only
one month old...
You slept as much during the day as at night,
And weren’t bothered at all by noise or light.
Dozing in a car, train, or jumbo jet
Suited you as well as your bassinet.
Now you sleep
All through the night,
And don’t open your eyes
till the morning light.
When you were a baby and only
two months old…
Instead a bathing you in the big tub,
I held you in the sink for your daily scrub.
You were too floppy to sit up on your own;
You needed my help or you’d sink like a stone.
Now you’ve mastered the art
Of bubbly disguises,
So tub time is full of jokes
And surprises.
When you were a baby and only
three months old…
If a pal called out “hello” or “goodbye”,
You couldn’t yet say real words in reply.
Instead you uttered soft baby coos,
In answer to all such how~do~you~dos.
Now it’s easy
To shoot the breeze
With any person
that you please.
When you were a baby and only
four months old…
Nothing as yet had made you laugh,
Not even your singing spotted giraffe,
Until Daddy put on one of his shows,
And you laughed at the sight of a spoon on his nose.
Now at times
there’s no controlling
You fits of laughter
once they’re rolling.
When you were a baby and only
five months old…
You pushed yourself up with your arms slightly bent,
And added some oomph and over you went.
After that roll you tried a few more,
Then nothing could stop you from crossing the floor.
Now you’re nothing less
than superior,
At tumbling from
your head to posterior.
When you were a baby and only
six months old…
Cutting new teeth made your gums awfully ouchy,
Which made you cry and act rather grouchy.
Of all the chewies that eased your teething,
You found your toes by far the most pleasing.
Now you have twenty teeth
~keep them clean.
They look better white
than mossy green.
When you were a baby and only
seven months old…
You could easily have choked on a grape or cashew,
So hard foods like those were not offered to you.
Instead, you ate foods that were mashed into goo.
They were safe and easy for you to chew.
Now you can munch
On all kinds of snacks,
Even marshmallows, popcorn,
and Crackerjacks.
When you were a baby and only
eight months old…
You learned to creep, but that didn’t last
Because creeping was slow and you wanted fast!
Propped on all fours, you found your balance,
And added crawling to your long list of talents.
Now it’s easy to stand
On tiptoe,
Or hop on one foot
fifty times in a row.
When you were a baby and only
nine months old…
When I posed the question and held you high,
I never expected to hear a reply.
“Who loves her little chicken?”I whispered to you.
“Mama,” you said, out of the blue.
But now your vocabulary
Is immense,
And your talks are known
for their eloquence.
When you were a baby and only
ten months old…
The difference between naughty and good
Was yet to be something you understood.
Now you understand
That naughty offenses
Are usually followed by
tough consequences.
When you were baby and only
eleven months old…
You could hardly believe what was before your eyes
When you met someone who was just your size.
But when no one was looking he snatched your toy,
And then you wished to be rid of that boy.
Now you and your friends
know how to play fair,
And are more than happy
to swap and share.
When you were a baby and only
twelve months old…
You stood up straight, and with a great deal of pep,
Proceeded to take your very first step.
It was followed by steps two, three, and four,
Then your well-padded bottom hit the floor.
Now when we’re walking
I have to plead
For you to slow
your rapid speed.
On your first birthday, when you turned one,
Your big~kid life had officially begun…
Your favourite people came to celebrate,
And cake with sprinkles is what we ate.
The entire household was completely abuzz,
But you didn’t know what day it was.
Now you can’t wait
Till your birthday’s here,
It’s your favourite day
of the entire year.
You’ve grown so much since your very first day.
Now you’re up and running and on your way
To have more adventures and explore new heights,
And to sample all of life’s fabulous delights.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I'll be away
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Seharian di HUKM
Secara kebetulan pulak my Middle E demam, so dia tak la berapa aktif sangat....sempat la my Middle E take a nap sambil2 menunggu tu. Nak dijadikan citer, we all adalah patient yang terakhir untuk hari tersebut...sabar ja la.
Masa jumpa dengan doctor, the results of my Middle E taking jab everyday before bedtime amatlah memberangsangkan. 3 months before this treatment, her height was only 76cm and weighed at 8.4kg. 3 months later, the result: her height is now 81.5cm and she weighs at 9.2kg. Alhamdullillah...ada progress gitu. I puji my Middle E ni yang mana dia sedikit pun tak menangis apabila I suntik growth hormone kat perut dia...malah siap ingatkan I untuk suntik dia jika I terlupa.....sebab my Middle E cakap, dia kena cochok everyday supaya dia jadi beshar dan lebih tinggi. Keep it up my dear...mummy loves u so much.....
Wajah keletihan dan kepenatan My Middle E sementara menunggu giliran utk berjumpa dengan doktor
Monday, May 11, 2009
Mother's Day..
To all beautiful mothers in the world....Happy Mother's Day and thank you for all the good things you have done for your family. You should be proud of yourself as being a mum is not an easy job and you managed to spread the love to everyone around u......
I amik card2 ni dari Kak Inahar.....Tq kak....
Breakfast on saturday I cuma buat nasi goreng ja...lunch makan ayam masak merah, telur goreng dan nasi panas....dinner makan lebihan lauk lunch plus sardin.....
Breakfast on sunday, we all makan kat kedai roti canai, roti telur, ayam goreng, teh tarik dan air barli....after that mu hubby ada futsal kat, lunch I cuma gorengkan ayam ja utk 2Es....ala2 budak memang suka ayam goreng..(lagipun tu ja yang ada dalam peti sejuk I plus dengan 2 keping ikan tenggiri) hubby balik pukul 3 ptg, I cuma buatkan dia nasi putih, ikan tenggiri masak sweet sour dan timun....layan ja la......
Ingat petang we all nak kuar...dinner kat luar...alih2 my hubby lak sakit kepala yang amat sangat dan rasa tak sedap badan so, cancellah...2Es la kesian....dah bersiap2 comel .....hampa sbb tak jadi kuar....mlm I gorengkan nasi utk 2Es for their dinner.......
menu lunch ahad..nasi putih, ikan tenggiri sweet sour dan timun..
Dinner sorang2..
Buah naga merah yang belum dimakan.....
Dah abess dah......
Friday, May 8, 2009
Gadget baru ganti yang lama..
I berminat nak usha2 dulu...konon2nya last terus terbeli ja blender cap Moulinex ni...dapat arrrr 10% diskaun dan ada voucher Secret Recipe RM10.00....layan ja la....ok la ada blender ni...boleh2 jugak la nak blend cili kering jadi cili boh. Kalau tak tu setiap minggu paw my mum punya cili yang sudah siap diblend. Cuma tak dirasmikan lagi ni...minggu ni kutssss....hehehehe
Monday, May 4, 2009
Weekend...takde mood
For dinner, I cuma buat macaroni goreng bersama minced meat dan telur. Ok ja diaorang makan sambil layan konsert AF. Lepas 3Es dah hanyut dibuai mimpi....I and hubby layan cerekarama lak...."Bila mama pakai celana"...lakonan Ogy Ahmad Daud ( I suka dia sgt2...sbb bila dia berlakon mmg overacting...but her lakonan benar2 hidup), Arash Mohamad, Nora Danish..etc. Sambil nonton, we all layan hasil air tangan I ,"cham" ice...(menjadi jugak....1st time dot com ni....)
Sunday...dapur I betul2 tak berasap dari pagi sehingga la ke betulla hidup I. Breakfast, we all makan nasi lemak kukus ayam kampung goreng di Wangsa Melawati...sedap...wa cakap hubby panggil nasi lemak hantu kopek sbb yg menggorengkan ayam kampung tu seorang makcik yang mempunyai ******* yg begitu XL....hihihihihi...lepas tu we all lepak kat rumah my hubby punya cousin (tinggal kat area2 tu jugak la)...sambil tgk baby Danish Rayyan....After that, we all terus lancar ke rumah my mother in-laws la pulak...mmg langkah kanan...terus lunch kat situ....rezeki jangan ditolak....
Malam....kitaorg tak dinner pun..anak2 pun tido awal....cukup la tu since dah 2 kali pekena nasi hari ni.....hehehehehehe....
Ni menu (macaroni goreng bersama minced meat dan telur) virus org takde mood nak masak......tapi kenyang jugak la.....
Friday, May 1, 2009
1st May 2009....
For breakfast, I bawa all my 3Es and Mira to kedai mamak. Malas la nak buat, we all layan roti canai, roti telur, ayam goreng, nescafe dan teh tarik kurang manis (for me) Eldest dan Middle E cuma minum air kosong ja....waima we all makan kat restoran yang mahal...(ni sekali-sekala ja pergi)...jimat 'kan...lepas breakfast, lepak2 ja kat rumah.
For lunch, I cuma prepare ayam masak merah ja....budak2 sangat suka lauk ni...since my hubby takde..satu lauk ja dah cukup...hehehehehe...
Ayam masak merah kegemaran My Eldest n My Middle E...
Petang, I pergi ke rumah my mum sementara tunggu nak amik my hubby kat KL Sentral jam 8.30mlm....lepak2 sambil makan nasi lemak....After amik my hubby, we all minum2 pulak kat Old Town White Coffee kat Melati.....malas nak taip banyak2....layan gambar ja la yea....
Cham Ice...tapi macam terlebih pahit la pulak...
Ice cream French Toast n Butter Kaya French Toast...
Mira with 2Es...
Daddy with Emil....(gambar blur la....)
Mummy with 2Es.....
Khamis-30 April 2009
My Eldest dan My Middle E dah baik drpd demam.....mmmm...lega rasanya,cuma My Youngest E ja yang belum baik sepenuhnya....still under medication. Thanks to my mum and Mira who took care of 3Es masa I pergi kerja. Luv u guys....mmmuuuuaaah...
Balik ja dari office, my mum ada bikin pengat durian.....emmmm sedap la makan bersama roti atau kalau rajin boleh buat lempeng ker.....My Eldest and Middle E sangat tidak suka dengan durian....apa saja yang makanan yang terhasil daripada durian diaorang tak makan...ikut daddy la tuuu....rugi besar 'kan...I rasa la bagi sape2 yang tak suka / makan durian....
Ni la pengat durian atau I just namakan cicah durian ja.....emmm sedapnya...
Ni pulak buah tangan dr Izyani yg bercuti di Sarawak....kek lapis Sarawak...sedap jugak...